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Tortoise Feeders With Live Grass or Cactus

 Feeders are all predrilled for soil drainage and shipped with Tortoise safe fertilizer and enough grass seed to re-plant in 6 months or when necessary. Pre-Mixed grass seed has been hand selected by myself to mimic tortoises natural habitat in the wild. Bermuda, Tall Fescue, Rye, and Orchard will ontinuously grow year round as your tort mow it daily, no need for a pet sitter with these feeders. Simply place your soil packet, sprinkle seed packets in the feeder, place in your tortoises enclousure where they can reach it, lightly mist daily just as you already do and within 3 days you will start seeing the grass grow. By week 2 your tortoise will have a steady suppy of the most important part of there diets all GROWN BY THE SAME UVB LIGHT AND MOISTURE YOU ALREADY PROVIDE FOR YOUR SHELL BABY. NO SUNLIGHT REQUIRED, NO GARDNER OR MOWING and a year round buffet thats not only optimal to your tortoises health but also adds that vintage touch to your enclosure. All the Year Round Feeders are handmade so they are limited quanitity and go fast. I have multiple sizes and styles to suit any size Tortoise. Only the healthiest Sunburst Optunita Cactus is shipped. Your Tortoise will thank you.

Tortoise Feeders With Live Grass or Cactus

PrecioDesde 23,99$
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